Monday, November 14, 2011


The clear trend across the world is to concentrate decision making and resources in fewer hands by over-riding the sovereignty of nations. Just look at Greece and Italy where elected leaders, unable to govern as a result of having joined the European Union and done a deal with the devil itself (Goldman Sachs) have been replaced by EU appointed bureaucrats who weren’t elected by their citizens and aren’t accountable to them. Instead both men (Mario Monti in Italy and Lucas Papademos in Greece) have very strong ties to Goldman Sachs and banking.

The same devil is now behind moves to change the membership and rules of the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), which was originally set up in 2006 between Chile, Brunei, New Zealand and Singapore. Now Australia, Peru, the United States and Viet Nam also want to join it.

It’s the US interest in joining which has made it a hot topic, because America represents seventh heaven to free trade marketeers and hell on wheels to everyone else.

Right now the TPP has no enforcement provisions, no common currency, and no common governing body. But last year Ian Ferguson (international finance specialist) and Bruce Vaughan (Asian affairs specialist) wrote a paper for Congress identifying the changes that must be made to the TPP if it is to “serve the security and trade interests” of the US.

First, it must have a common governing body made up of non-elected bureaucrats appointed by participating governments. Second, it must have the power to enforce its decisions by force of arms if necessary. Third, it must be able to sue governments, but must itself be exempt from being sued.

Just last week, Secretary of State Clinton said, now that US engagement in the middle east (Iraq and Afghanistan) is winding down, it ‘vows’ to expand its ‘engagement in the Asia-Pacific...’

For us, America’s entry into the TPP will almost certainly mean the end of Pharmac which buys our pharmaceutical and medical supplies from whoever gives us the best price. It will also be the end of the private online auction facility that Fonterra had created to allow us to get better prices than other countries for our dairy products. It will tie us irrevocably to serving the ‘security and trade interests’ of America. And it will destroy what little is left of our already taretare sovereignty.

Already we know that under John Key US Marines will be housed somewhere in New Zealand. Under him, government will have a public-private partnership with some unknown entity to build an SAS training base somewhere in New Zealand. He has shown himself willing to use our navy and police forces to arrest us in favour of foreign commerce. And his government has made laws to prosecute us for taking action against foreign spy activities in our country.

If the steward of our sovereignty is John Key, how buttressed do you feel knowing that he has a home in Honolulu and all his money in US banks? Who is he really speaking for when he has his bolt hole elsewhere and his money safely offshore?

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