The hapū make the decisions and give instructions over their whenua and moana me ngā mana Tiriti, etc – NOT Te Rūnanga, and certainly not you. In general, hapū represent themselves as they see fit and according to their tikanga. But should they want or need the tautoko of other hapū, they bring their tāke to the other hapū at their monthly rūnanga. After that, each hapū decides for itself if or how they will give their tautoko. When hapū choose to act jointly as the iwi of Ngāti Kahu, they do so by instructing Te Rūnanga at their monthly rūnanga.
hapū are and hold mana whenua and rangatiratanga. These are principles and practices which are
much deeper, higher and stronger than the governance role you hold. Hapū mana whenua and rangatiratanga are based
first and foremost on taking care of Papātūānuku and all her
children. You are expected to ensure
those who have agreed to let you rule over them act in a way that supports that
hapū act, either in their own right or together as iwi, they do not engage as
submittors to or consultees with any of your agents, be it a sub-committee of a
District Council like the MRG,
an advisory committee to one of your agents like the Fisheries Fora, or one
of your subsidiaries like the EPU
or the EPA. Nor do hapū
consult with your agents – they instruct you, and you instruct those agents. As
such hapū are not compelled to attend any hui with any of your agents, especially
when they have already conveyed their combined instructions to you as to what your
agents can and cannot do in their rohe.
Te Rūnanga’s experience and expertise in the field; the literature on Māori
land claims as well as case law on resource management can provide you with a
starting point. Documents ranging across
the years from the Taipā Sewage Report (1988) to the High Court decision CIV
2010-488-348 (29 September 2011) are available to you.
Te Rūnanga’s representations and presence at fora across the motu
me te
ao on Te
Whakaputanga, Te Tiriti, mana whenua and rangatiratanga, and all other
aspects of tikanga, the extensive reports and pānui available on its official
website will
provide you with another ready starting point.
Rūnanga have not only consistently, unashamedly and effectively defended Ngāti
Kahu against “a corporate takeover tsunami," it has done so against
all-comers, including you.
Te Rūnanga exists with or without legislation, and holds its mandate with or without your and your agents’ support.
Engari, kia mahi tonu tātou ki runga i te tika, te pono
me te aroha. Kei a koe.